6 All of the above ways are important
8 Suggestion box
6 Survey
12 Email
1 Website
3 Monthly meeting
2 Blog
3 Handouts at church services
3 Small groups at homes
2 Congregational Meeting
1 Mailings (but only for very important topics)
1 Short survey at the coffee hour
2 Periodic surveys to gauge mood and desire and reactions of members about a certain topic.
Some people included comments about various topics on this question. They are all included here.
It is important to provide timely feedback from a survey.
One person would appreciate more opportunities to speak with the pastor, suggested setting aside one day a month for a couple of hours where people could attend a “Meet the Pastor” style meeting.
One person didn’t like not having a seat at the 9am service due to the Sunday School taking up so many seats.
A member commented that even though we have meetings it is difficult to express feelings that may be met with opposition. This person believes the issue of our future-the property purchase, possible building, changes at 48 Greene Avenue, have created distinct, separate groups.